Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The Doctrine of Jesus: Sermon on the Sovereignty of God - Pastor Nelson Turner of www.AV1611Reformation com

     This sermon from Matthew 11:25-30 as found in the King James Bible (God's pure word in the English language) was preached by Pastor Nelson Turner on the Lord's Day December 22, 2013. 
     The doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ as found in each of the Gospels, and in the teachings of Paul the Apostle, upholds completely the sovereignty and divine providence of the Lord God in ALL things. God is unchangeable; that which He has decreed from the beginning (and from before the beginning) regarding all things has come to pass already or shall be fulfilled completely in time and eternity according to His will irrespective of what man may do (or thinks he can do) to try to alter the eternal decrees. 
     The knowledge of these things brings the fear of God engendering wisdom to a man if God has so decreed; and in them a man finds great hope and peace, and rest. But, as the word of God shows, many are blinded to these truths and are willfully ignorant of them because of sin from which they do not repent because God has not granted them repentance with a godly sorrow unto salvation.
     As Pastor Turner elucidates from Holy Scripture and the evidences of God's truths around us, many are walking in blindness. Many are seeking to climb up by some other way than that decreed by God the Father; revealed by God the Son; and being lived through the workings of God the Holy Ghost in God's Elect. Many through blind pride worship a false image of god; follow a false Jesus; and are bereft of God's Spirit. Their god is a sugar daddy; their savior is a beggar; and the spirit that imbues them is the gratification of their lusts. 
     If you are in doubt, may it not be so for you eternally. Read in the King James Bible the words which the Lord Himself tells us are spirit and life. Listen to the preaching of the Gospel by one chosen by God to be His preacher as evidenced in unfeigned and unqualified belief in the pure word of God, the incorruptible seed of God. Examine yourself to see if you be in the faith. God reveals Himself to whom He will; but we are assured that He is a rewarder of those that seek Him in truth.  
     If this is a blessing to you by God's grace, please write to Pastor Turner at P.O. Box 257 Grantville, PA 17028 or via e-mail at to let him know that the Lord has blessed you in this preaching. You may also write to Pastor Turner if by your study of God's eternal, infallible word, the AV1611 King James Bible, you have honest questions about the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ as revealed therein to God's Elect.